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发布时间: 2021-01-18 09:14:50

⑴ 法国地理位置特点

法国是西欧乃至整个欧洲各国通道和交往中心,不管是从东到西去,还是从南到北来,这样处于各国交往中心的有利位置。 法国有塞纳河。巴黎就位于塞纳河畔。法国南邻地中海,为地中海式气候。北接德国。西邻大西洋。

⑵ 法国是欧洲地理位置最好的国家,它的地理位置究竟好在哪



⑶ 法国Chilly-Mazarin的具体地理位置和介绍

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⑷ 法国的地理位置


⑸ 法国的地理位置优势












⑹ 1.描述法国的地理位置 2.归纳法国地势

(一)自然条件的优、劣势分析 然条件的优、 (二)农业在欧洲突出的地位 业在欧洲突出的地位 (三)完整的工业体系 (四)旅游业的发展
法国即法兰西共和国的简称,是西欧面积最大的国家。领土包括大陆 部分和地中海的科西嘉岛。大陆部分略呈六边形,三面临海,三面靠陆, 是欧洲重要的海陆兼备的国家。
(一)自然条件的 优、劣势分析
1.东南高,西北低,平原 东南高,西北低, 占优势 2.多样的气候 3.完整的水系 4.能源资源贫乏
法国是欧洲首屈一指的农业大 国,是世界特别是欧洲的重要农产 品供应国,也是世界上仅次于美国 的第二大农产品出口国。主要农产 品有小麦、大麦、玉米、甜菜、马 铃薯、水果、葡萄酒、牛肉、猪 肉、牛奶、鸡肉、鸡蛋等。 法国农业生产的突出特点是: (1)劳动生产率高 (2)农业结构合理 (3)专业化水平高
法国1998年主要农产品产量 年主要农产品产量 法国
小麦/×104 t 玉米/×104 t 牛肉/×104 t 猪肉/×104 t 牛奶/×104 L 乳酪/×104 t 葡萄酒/×108 L 3 820 1 520 190 230 2 230 170 5 440
(三) 完整的工业体系
法国是发达的工业国家,截止到1998年,其国内生产总值始终低于美、日、德国居世 界第四位。从1999年起,被英国超过。直到2002年,法国的国内生产总值仍处于世界第五 位。法国已经建立比较完整的工业体系,可以分为新、旧两大类: ⒈ 旧工业部门 一直是法国的优势部门,很传统,历史悠久,包括纺织、食品、服装、化妆品等消费 性的轻工业。 ⒉ 新工业部门 二战后,机械、汽车、飞机、造船、电子、钢铁、炼铝、炼油、石油化工、人造纤 维、塑料、核能、宇航等新兴的工业部门发展迅速,许多工业产品在世界上占重要地位。 ⑴ 汽车工业 汽车工业是法国支柱产业之一,是战后发展非常迅速的一个部门。 ⑵ 航空航天工业 法国航空航天工业在世界上占有重要地位,其产值、营业额、出口额仅次于美国、俄 罗斯,居世界第三位。 ⑶ 电力工业 法国煤、石油资源比较贫乏,所以发展核电受到高度重视,在世界上其核电站数量、 核电装机容量仅次于美国,居第二位。同时,法国也重视开发水力资源、潮汐资源、太阳 能资源等。 ⑷ 化学工业 法国化学工业是重要的工业部门,具有较完整的体系,化学工业产值和规模仅次于 美、日、德,居世界第四位。 ⑸ 造船工业#8. 幻灯片 8 法国是世界上主要造船国之一,造船技术先进。
化妆品香水 化妆品香水
法 国 工 业 分 布 图
⒈ 旅游资源丰富 法国拥有丰富的自然资源以及独具特色的人文景观,吸引了如云的 游客,成就了世界上最发达的旅游业。 ⒉ 推进旅游业发展的措施 ⑴在主要客源市场大力开展促销活动。 ⑵重视开发国内旅游市场。

⑺ 用英语简单地介绍法国的地理位置

While Metropolitan France is located in Western Europe, France also has a number of territories in North America, the Caribbean, South America, the southern Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and Antarctica.[15] These territories have varying forms of government ranging from overseas department to overseas collectivity.

Metropolitan France covers 547,030 square kilometres (211,209 sq mi),[16] having the largest area among European Union members and slightly larger than Spain. France possesses a wide variety of landscapes, from coastal plains in the north and west to mountain ranges of the Alps in the south-east, the Massif Central in the south-central and Pyrenees in the south-west. At 4,807 metres (15,770 ft) above sea-level, the highest point in Western Europe, Mont Blanc, is situated in the Alps on the border between France and Italy.[17] Metropolitan France also has extensive river systems such as the Loire, the Garonne, the Seine and the Rhône, which divides the Massif Central from the Alps and flows into the Mediterranean sea at the Camargue, the lowest point in France (2 m / 6.5 ft below sea level).[17] Corsica lies off the Mediterranean coast.

The Exclusive Economic Zone of France extends over 11 million km² (4 million sq miles) of ocean across the world.[18]France's total land area, with its overseas departments and territories (excluding Adé Land), is 674,843 square kilometres (260,558 sq mi), 0.45% of the total land area on Earth. However, France possesses the second-largest Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the world, covering 11,035,000 square kilometres (4,260,000 sq mi), approximately 8% of the total surface of all the EEZs of the world, just behind the United States (11,351,000 km² / 4,383,000 sq mi) and ahead of Australia (8,232,000 km² / 3,178,000 sq mi).[19]

Metropolitan France is situated between 41° and 51° North, on the western edge of Europe, and thus lies within the northern temperate zone. The north and northwest have a temperate climate, while a combination of maritime influences, latitude and altitude proce a varied climate in the rest of Metropolitan France.[20] In the south-east a Mediterranean climate prevails. In the west, the climate is predominantly oceanic with a high level of rainfall, mild winters and cool to warm summers. Inland the climate becomes more continental with hot, stormy summers, colder winters and less rain. The climate of the Alps and other mountainous regions is mainly alpine, with the number of days with temperatures below freezing over 150 per year and snow cover lasting for up to six months.

⑻ 巴黎的地理位置


⑼ 谁有法国地理位置简介的英文版

Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean; e to its shape, it is often referred to in French as l’Hexagone ("The Hexagon"). France is one of only three countries (withMorocco and Spain) to have both Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines. Metropolitan France is situated mostly between latitudes 41° 51° N, and longitudes 6° W and 10° E, on the western edge of Europe, and thus lies within the northern temperate zone.
From northeast to southwest, Metropolitan France shares borders with Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Spainand Andorra. France also borders Suriname to its west and Brazil to its east and south, by way of the overseas region of French Guiana, which is considered an integral part of the Republic. France also shares a border with the Kingdom of the Netherlands, through the Caribbean island of Saint Martin.

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